Andrea is an Environmental Engineer with a specialization in Management for Engineers from Colombia with 17 years of experience in her field. She is currently pursuing a Masters in Environmental Science at Thompson Rivers University under the supervision of Dr. Courtney Mason. Andrea began the program in 2023. Her areas of interest are environmental planning, project development, ecosystem services, strategic environmental assessment, land use management and environmental policy
This picture is from Colombia in a place called “Paramo de Belmira” (Moorland). We in Colombia have 50% of the moors (paramo) in the world, this moor is very close to Medellin (3 hours drive) and is located above 3200 m. The main vegetation is the treelike frailejones (big monks) that you can see in the photo, which is mainly native to Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador. Frailejones take up to a year to grow a single centimeter, some of the ones you see in the photo are more than 100 years old.