Meagan is the past Research Coordinator of the Indigenous Health Research Group at the University of Ottawa. Currently, Meagan is a Community Health Promoter and Community Developer at Somerset West Community Health Centre. Meagan works in vulnerable neighhourhoods in urban Ottawa to provide support, facilitate partnerships, advocacy and capacity building. She promotes health and wellness through addressing social determinants of health including food access, social inclusion, access to health services, housing, etc. While completing her Masters of Arts, Meagan worked under the supervision of Michael Robidoux and Courtney Mason examining school-based food sovereignty programs in Fort Providence, NT and the impacts on inter-generation knowledge sharing. Meagan and Courtney worked together on the below paper:
Sonia Wesche, Michael A, Robidoux, Meagan Ann O’Hare** and Courtney W. Mason. “From the Ground Up: Building Indigenous Food Security in the Northwest Territories through Land-Based Programs.” Canadian Food Studies 3, 2 2016, 22-48.