* indicates work with graduate students and HQP.
Scholarly Books (Edited)
Michael A. Robidoux and Courtney W. Mason. (eds.), A Land Not Forgotten: Indigenous Food Security and Land-Based Practices of Northern Ontario (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2017).

Scholarly Books (Monograph)
Courtney W. Mason. Spirits of the Rockies: Reasserting an Indigenous Presence in Banff National Park (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014).

Refereed Journal Articles (Recent)
Emalee A. Vandermale*, Paulina P. Ross* & Courtney W. Mason. “Indigenous youth involvement in land-based food systems in Fort Providence, Northwest Territories.” Food and Foodways 33, 1, 2025: 28-51.. https://doi: 10.1080/07409710.2025.2440972.
Emalee A. Vandermale*, Jordyn Bogetti* & Courtney W. Mason. “The Complexities of Canada Protected Area Designations: Overlapping Legal Jurisdictions and the Rights to Nature Movement.” Land 13, 886, 2024.
Emalee A. Vandermale* & Courtney W. Mason. “Sustainable Tourism Development and Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas in Sub-Arctic Canada.” Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism 3, 1397589. 2024.
Courtney W. Mason & Patermax Neumann*. “The Impacts of Climate Change on Tourism Operators, Trail Experience and Land Use Management in British Columbia’s Backcountry.” Land 13, 69, 2024.
Carmen D. Massey* & Courtney W. Mason. “The Salute to the Sockeye Festival: Sustainable Rural Tourism at the Adams River, Tsútswecw Provincial Park, British Columbia.” Journal of Rural and Community Development 18, 4, 2023: 155–181.
Josie Vayro*, Emalee Vandermale* & Courtney W. Mason. “It’s a people problem, not a goat problem.” Mitigating human-mountain goat interactions in a Canadian Provincial Park.” Wildlife Research: Ecology, Management and Conservation. January 2023.
Courtney W. Mason, Anna Carr, Emalee Vandermale*, Bill Snow & Lois Philipp. “Rethinking the Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Sustainable Mountain Development in Canada and Aotearoa / New Zealand.” Mountain Research and Development 42, 3, 2022: 11-20.
Patermax Neumann* & Courtney W. Mason. “The Influence of Transportation and Digital Technologies on Backcountry Tourism and Recreation in British Columbia, Canada.” Tourism Geographies. 2022.
Carmen D. Massey*, Josie V. Vayro* & Courtney W. Mason. “Conservation Values and Actor Networks that Shape the Adams River Salmon Run in Tsútswecw Provincial Park, British Columbia.” Society & Natural Resources 34, 9, 2021: 1-20. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2021.1946225
Spencer Toth* & Courtney W. Mason ““Out” in the Countryside: Gay Tourist Perspectives on Rural Travel in British Columbia, Canada.” Journal of Rural and Community Development 16, 3, 2021: 84-107.
Kelsey Boulé* & Courtney W. Mason. “Conservation, Hunting Policy and Rural Livelihoods in British Columbia.” Journal of Rural and Community Development 16, 1, 2021: 108-132.
Paulina Ross* & Courtney W. Mason. “’We hardly have any moose around here anymore’: Climate Change and the Barriers to Food Security in the Dehcho Region, Northwest Territories.” Arctic 73, 3, 2020, 368-385.
Jason Johnston* & Courtney W. Mason. “Rethinking Representation: Shifting from a Eurocentric Lens to Indigenous Methods of Sharing Knowledge in Jasper National Park, Canada.” Journal of Parks and Recreation Administration 28, 3, 2020, 1-19. https://doi:10.18666/JPRA-2020-10251
Paulina Ross* & Courtney W. Mason. “Examining Local Food Procurement, Adaptive Capacities and Resilience to Environmental Change in Fort Providence, Northwest Territories.” Canadian Food Studies 7, 1, 2020, 20-43.
Jason Johnston* & Courtney W. Mason. “Paths to Realizing Reconciliation: Indigenous Consultation in Jasper National Park.” International Indigenous Policy Journal 11, 4 2020, 1-27. https://10.18584/iipj.2020.11.4.9348
Dominique Hazel* & Courtney W. Mason. “The Role of Stakeholders in Shifting Environmental Practices of Music Festivals in British Columbia, Canada.” International Journal of Event and Festival Management 11, 2, 2020, 181-202.
Jason Johnston* & Courtney W. Mason. “The Struggle for Indigenous Representation in Canadian National Parks: The Case of the Haida Totem Poles in Jasper.”Journal of Indigenous Research 8, 1, 2020, 1-14.
Nickolas Kosmenko*, Kelsey Boule*, Tara-Leigh McHugh, Leisha Strachan & Courtney W. Mason. “Relevance of an Existing Knowledge-To-Action Model to Research Involving Indigenous Youth.” Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal 10, 3, 2019.
Pate Neumann* & Courtney W. Mason. “Managing Land Use Conflict Among Recreational Trail Users: A Sustainability Study of Cross-Country Skiers and Fat Bikers.” Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 2019.
Kelsey L. Boule* & Courtney W. Mason. “Ethical Issues in Sport Hunting and Tourism Economies: Stereotypes, Sustainability and Inclusion in British Columbia’s Hunting Industries.” Sport History Review 50, 1, 2019, 93-115.
Leisha Strachan, Tara-Leigh McHugh & Courtney W. Mason. “Understanding Positive Youth Development in Sport Through the Voices of Indigenous Youth.” Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 40, 6, 2018, 1-10.
Courtney W. Mason, Tara-Leigh F. McHugh, Leisha Strachan & Kelsey L. Boule*. “Urban Indigenous Youth Perspectives on Access to Physical Activity Programs in Canada.” Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 11, 4, 2018, 543-558.
Heather Thompson*, Courtney W. Mason & Michael A. Robidoux. “Hoop-style Greenhouse Gardening in the Wapekeka First Nation as an Extension of Land-Based Food Practices.” Arctic 71, 4, 2018, 387-401.
Josephine Howitt* and Courtney W. Mason. “Ecotourism, Environmental Practices and Sustainability in Rural Costa Rica.” Journal of Rural and Community Development 13, 1 2018, 67-84.
Refereed Book Chapters (Recent)
Courtney W. Mason, Bill Snow & Jason W. Johnston*. “The Integration of Indigenous Knowledge in Canadian Protected Areas to Foster Conservation and Tourism Development.” In. Richard Butler and Anna Carr (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Indigenous Peoples. (London: Routledge, 2024, 237-250).
Spencer Toth,* Josie Vayro* & Courtney W. Mason. “The Development of Inclusive Small Rural Tourism Destinations for Gay Communities.” In. Kathleen Scherf (ed.), Small Tourism in Small Places. (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2023: 33-60).
Courtney W. Mason. “Sport Hunting Tourism.” In. Jafar Jafari & Honggen Xiao (eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism. (Lausanne: Springer International Publishing, 2022). (Accepted: February 2022, 4 pages).
Courtney W. Mason. “Colonial Encounters, Conservation, and Sport Hunting in Banff National Park.” In. Carly Adams (ed.), Sport and Recreation in Canadian History. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics: 2021: 77-100).
Michael A. Robidoux, Joseph Leblanc and Courtney W. Mason. “Prologue: Conversations with Wawakapewin Elder Simon Frogg.” In. Michael A. Robidoux and Courtney W. Mason (eds.), A Land Not Forgotten: Indigenous Food Security and Land-Based Practices of Northern Ontario. (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2017).
Courtney W. Mason and Michael A. Robidoux. “Food Security in Rural Canadian Indigenous Communities.” In. Michael A. Robidoux and Courtney W. Mason (eds.), A Land Not Forgotten: Indigenous Food Security and Land-Based Practices of Northern Ontario. (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2017, 1-15).
Desiree Streit** and Courtney W. Mason. “Traversing the Terrain of Land-Based Education and Health for First Nations Youth: Connecting Theory to Practical Program Development.” In. Michael A. Robidoux and Courtney W. Mason (eds.), A Land Not Forgotten: Indigenous Food Security and Land-Based Practices of Northern Ontario. (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2017, 85-123).
Courtney W. Mason and Michael A. Robidoux. “Restoring Local Food Systems: A Call to Action.” In. Michael A. Robidoux and Courtney W. Mason (eds.), A Land Not Forgotten: Indigenous Food Security and Land-Based Practices of Northern Ontario. (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2017, 146-157).
John Hull and Courtney W. Mason. “Understanding the Links Between Wellness and Indigenous Tourism in Western Canada: Critical Sites of Cultural Exchange.” In. Laszlo Puczko and Melanie Kay Smith (eds.), Handbook of Health Tourism. (London: Routledge, 2017, 220-252).
Emalee A. Vandermale,* Jordyn Bogetti* & Courtney W. Mason. “Do Park Designations Matter? Parks and Protected Areas, Legal Frameworks and Indigenous-Led Conservation.” Canadian Mountain Network. September 2023 (56 pages).
Carmen D. Massey,* Emalee A. Vandermale,* Courtney W. Mason. “Secwépemc Perspectives of Climate Change and Resiliency in Tsútswecw Provincial Park.” EcoCat: The Ecological Reports Catalogue, BC Parks. March 2023 (12 pages).
Josie Vayro*, Courtney W. Mason., Emalee Vandermale.* “Cathedral Mountain Goat Human Co-existence 2022 Research Report.” EcoCat: The Ecological Reports Catalogue, BC Parks. March 2022 (57 pages).
Brandon Williams,* Wendy Gardner, Courtney Mason & Lauchlan Fraser. “Using Traditional Indigenous Knowledge of Prescribed Burning as a Tool to Shift a Reclaimed Tailings Storage Facility in Southern British Columbia.” Geoscience BC. Report 2022, February 2022, 53-66.
Josie Vayro*., Courtney W. Mason., Emalee Vandermale*. “Human-Mountain Goat Interactions in Cathedral Provincial Park, British Columbia.” EcoCat: The Ecological Reports Catalogue, BC Parks. March 2021.
Recent Media Coverage
– Courtney W. Mason & Jordyn Bogetti. “The B.C. election could decide the future of the province’s species at risk laws.” Conversation Canada, October 17, 2024.
– Courtney W. Mason. “John Singer Sargent’s Sojourn in the Rocky Mountains: Romantic Notions Upheld, but he omits Indigenous Peoples that Called These Areas Home.” Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Blog. Boston. October 10, 2024.
– Interview with Shay Paul. “Supporting Native Pollinators.” The Wren. May 25, 2024.
– Interview with Sarah Penton. CBC Radio West. “TRU Receives Bee City Certified Campus in Recognition of Efforts to Protect Native Pollinators.” March 19, 2024.
– Interview with Brittney Balcaran. “Indigenous Tourism Development and Conservation on the Rocky Mountains.” Communities and Conservation Team, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative. February 6, 2024.
– Interview with Mary-Beth Laviolette and Tony Snow. “Revisiting the Significance of the Spirits of the Rockies (Mason 2014).” Canmore Museum Book Club. September 15, 2022.
– Interview with Samantha Charlton. “Indigenous-led research to support agricultural adaptation and Indigenous food sovereignty.” BC-ACARN (British Columbia Agricultural Climate Adaptation Research Network) Podcast. February 24, 2022.
– Interview with Gabrielle Pyska. “Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas.” Canadian Mountain Network Podcast. July 7, 2021.
– Interview with Blaise Kemna. “Indigenous-led research.” Canadian Mountain Network Podcast. Feb 21, 2020.
– Interview with Ryan Stuart. “Impacts of Surpassing Visitor Capacity in Banff National Park.” Kootenay Mountain Culture Magazine. April 29, 2019.
– Interview with Jenna Dulewich. Quoted in: “From Spectacle to Cultural Celebration: The Complex History of the Banff Indian Days.” Rocky Mountain Outlook. April 18, 2019.
– Interview with John Luke Kieper. Quoted in: “Bee’ Cautious of Pollinators When Preparing Your Yards and Gardens.” Kamloops BC Now: Stuff That Matters. April 9, 2019.
– Interview with Emma Marris, National Geographic. “Indigenous Protected Areas in Canada.” March 13, 2019.
– Interview with Corey Mintz, Quoted in: “The History of Food in Canada is the History of Colonialism.” The Walrus. March 12, 2019.
– Interview with Andy McGlashen, The National Audubon Society. “Indigenous Protected Areas in Canada: Impacts on Protected Species.” December 5, 2018.
Courtney W. Mason. “Indigenous protected areas are the next generation of conservation.” Conversation Canada, November 28, 2018.
Courtney W. Mason. “Indigenous protected areas are the next generation of conservation.” National Post. November 29, 2018.
Courtney W. Mason. “Indigenous protected areas are the next generation of conservation.” Nation Talk, November 30, 2018.
– Interview with Andy McGlashen, The National Audubon Society. “Indigenous Protected Areas in Canada: Impacts on Protected Species.” December 5, 2018.
– Interview with Bojan Furst for Rural Routes Podcast. “Displacement of Indigenous Peoples in Parks and Protected Areas.” September 14, 2017.
– Interview with the Gordon Foundation (Mieke Coppes). “Northern Food Policy Hackathon.” September 13, 2017.
– Interview with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. “Food Security and School Programs in Rural Indigenous Communities.” July 6, 2016.
– Interview with Andy Riga, Montréal Gazette. June 4th 2016
Andy Riga. “Montreal Olympics flashback: Boycott targeted New Zealand, South Africa.” Montréal Gazette. July18, 2016, 23.
Andy Riga. “Montréal Olympics: African Boycott of 1976 Games ‘Changed the World.’” Montréal Gazette. July19, 2016, 27.
– Interview with: Kamloops This Week. “New Research Chair at TRU.” February 10, 2016.
– Interview with: “Canada Research Chair Awarded in Tourism.” February 10, 2016.